I am so grateful to each and every one of my loyal customers for being so supportive throughout the years. Choosing to close my shop was a difficult decision to make, but one that was necessary in the current climate of the state.
After working out of the shop in Oxnard for 5 years and after 14 years of doing business, I got the letter from Rexford Industrial that stated that they would not be renewing my lease. They revealed that they were not interested in leasing to automotive shops anymore. Whether it was the oil & grease, the many, many diesel trucks out front (and around the corner), or the loud, fast, big trucks rolling massive amounts of coal... their minds would not be changed.
I spent 6 months searching for a building for the shop, some were too small to house a business like ours and some were too big to take the risk of doing "The Diesel Business" in California. After meeting with many property owners and touring several buildings, it was clear that when I mentioned that I had a very successful, well-established diesel truck shop in need of a new location, they respectfully denied our application stating "We are not interested in leasing to any automotive shops."
I am not the first and I will not be the last. I hope that if you want to keep your diesel, auto, bike, or fabrication shops in business, you will vote for local officials that will fight for business owners and you will vote for state officials that will end the over-regulation of the automotive industry.
I will never stop working on diesels, helping out my friends, or leaving in the middle of the night to rescue a truck in need.
Thank you, again for all your love & support,
- Morgan